Medication Disposal After a Drug Take Back EventThe opioid crisis in America has long been an epidemic, with nearly 130 people dying every day from an opioid overdose. A key driver in the opioid epidemic is the misuse of prescription pain medication such as codeine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone.  It is important for end users of this medication to keep it tightly controlled and to properly dispose of controlled substances in their possession.

According to an article by John Hopkins Public Health, more than half of all patients that receive opioid prescriptions have pills leftover and decide to save some for later. The study also reports that nearly half of all people surveyed were not given any instruction on how to store their medication safely or how to dispose of leftover pills. Drug diversion, or these types of pills falling into the wrong hands, is a main driver of the opioid addiction problem in the U.S.

The Effectiveness of National Drug Take Back Day

National drug take back programs have helped people to properly dispose of thousands of tons of prescription medications since the program began. The next national prescription drug take back day will be on Saturday, October 23, 2021. The last drug take back day on April 24, 2021 collected over 839,543 pounds (420 tons) of prescription medication. This is helping to prevent drug diversion as well as improper disposal like flushing which pollutes the environment.

Rx Destroyer™ is a Safe Drug Disposal Solution 

Rx Destroyer™ is a drug disposal system that helps to dispose of prescription medications quickly and safely.  Rx Destroyer™ is available for many  general purpose and  liquid medications in a wide variety of sizes to meet the needs of any facility.  With sizes ranging from a small 4 oz. bottle for home use, to 16 oz., 64 oz., 1 – 2. 5 gallon containers, 5 gallon buckets and 30 gallon drums, Rx Destroyer can help to safely dispose of nearly any quantity of pharmaceutical waste.

C2R Global Manufacturing is the maker of Rx Destroyer which destroys medications through chemical digestion, a method that meets DEA regulations for drug destruction.  We offer easy to use products, assistance with waste haulers, mail back programs and DEA compliance.  Contact us to see why Rx Destroyer™ is an important part of any drug disposal system.